Larry Nasser gets 175 years


L5Y, USC is 4-0 vs SEC, outscoring them 167-48!!!
Sep 20, 2004
Was finally able to watch the sentencing on this from the other day. Really didn't know much about it until now. What a sick, sick fuck. This heralded doctor molested gymnasts for well over 20 years!!!! How the fuck did this not go undiscovered. Olympian Ally Reisman called everyone out which was pretty awesome.

Throw this fucker in general populations. He won't make it to 5 years if he doesn't off himself first. He'll be skewered for sure that P.O.S. Special place in fucking hell.

Oct 31, 2004
Bruce fan does not approve of this

L5Y, USC is 4-0 vs SEC, outscoring them 167-48!!!
Sep 20, 2004
LOL. was wondering why no one was really talking about it on here. Hmmmm....

Jan 19, 2005
Bruce fan does not approve of this

Why the Larry Nassar Scandal Has Almost Nothing In Common with Penn State and Jerry Sandusky

  • JOHN ZIEGLER JAN 24, 2018 5:28 PM

As former USA Gymnastics and Michigan State doctor, and convicted child sex abuser, Larry Nassar faced his seemingly never-ending stream of accusers during his sentencing hearing (resulting, today, in him getting 175 years in prison), a very consistent, predictable, and extraordinarily lazy media narrative has emerged…

This whole nightmare is just like what happened at Penn State with Jerry Sandusky, or maybe, given the much larger number of accusers, it is even worse.
I totally understand how people who only read headlines, and blindly buy whatever they are told by a news media which is no longer competent enough to be trusted on complex and emotionally-charged stories, would come to this conclusion. After all, both Nassar and Sandusky worked for large college athletic programs, both were accused of sexual abusing lots of teenage kids over an extended period of time, and both led to their respective former employers being suspected of a massive cover up.
However, as someone who has studied the “Penn State Scandal” more intensively than anyone in the world over the last six years, I know this comparison to be completely illegitimate. I literally laughed at one headline in the New York Post which declared, “Michigan State Officials Shrug at Nassar Case: It’s No Sandusky,” because that is absolutely true, just for reasons that are very different than they undoubtedly perceive.
The two cases actually have almost nothing in common. In fact, the Nassar case exposes the absurdity of the entire Penn State/Sandusky media narrative.
Here are just some of the key elements that the Nassar scandal has which did not happen in the Sandusky case:

  • Nassar was found to have lots of child porn. Sandusky had absolutely none of any kind.
  • Nassar quickly pled guilty. Sandusky never even considered a plea bargain and still strongly maintains his innocence, this despite having almost no chance of ever getting out of prison.
  • Nassar used a legitimate medical procedure to get his victims naked and fool everyone that he wasn’t doing anything wrong. While he did very occasionally shower in semi-public places with some of them, Sandusky had no similar ability to get heterosexual teenage boys to do the same, and was not even accused at trial of using drugs or alcohol to ply his victims.
  • As proven by the porn, Nassar clearly has a sexual orientation to girls. There is no evidence, other than the accusations themselves, that Sandusky has a sexual orientation towards boys.
  • Nassar’s wife immediately filed for divorce. Sandusky’s wife, who knew all of his accusers extremely well, is still his strongest supporter, making long trips to visit him in prison every week.
  • USA Gymnastics paid at least one very high-profile victim lots of money to sign an NDA, long before Nassar was convicted. No one ever even asked for money from Sandusky or Penn State to keep quiet.
  • Nassar had over 150 victims willing to be known and to speak publicly, forcefully, and passionately about their abuse. Only a handful of Sandusky accusers have ever made themselves known publicly, none have ever expressed remotely similar emotion, and all of them did so with an extreme financial motive.

As for the cover-up allegations, I am quite positive that there was no cover-up at Penn State. Contrary to media perception, no one was even ever convicted of such a charge (the three Penn State administrators were only convicted, illegitimately in the view of the jury foreman, of one count of misdemeanor child endangerment). There is also no evidence, in my mind, nor any logic, to suggest that there was a cover-up.
While I believe there are literally a thousand data points which contradict the Penn State cover-up myth, the one that is easiest for people to understand is this:
When the only person (then part-time graduate assistant coach Mike McQueary) who ever came directly to Penn State to complain about the retired Sandusky, the school’s wide receivers job had just opened up two days earlier. This was a gig Mcqueary badly wanted, however he did NOT get the position.
Had there been any kind of Penn State cover-up on behalf of FORMER assistant Sandusky, the FIRST thing that would have transpired is that McQueary would have gotten that job and been urged to keep quiet. Neither of those things ever came close to happening.
While I would like to learn more, I also doubt that there was a proactive cover-up at Michigan State (though I am less certain about USA Gymnastics). There simply was no motive for a school to protect a sex abuser because he was helping with athletes in non-revenue sports which very few people even care about on the college level.
Interestingly, Michigan State is responding to all of this in a VERY different and MUCH stronger manner than Penn State did, and I believe that, while they are getting some short-term criticism for it, this could end up working to their advantage.
The number one thing people don’t understand about the “Penn State Scandal” is that PSU completely panicked in firing legendary head football coach Joe Paterno, who was actually a very key prosecution witness and was initially praised for his handling of the situation. This caused those who run the school to have a perverse incentive to curl up into the fetal position and take blame for things which the school had nothing to do with, and which likely never even happened in the first place.
Because Michigan State lacks a Joe Paterno figure to drive massive media coverage beyond today’s sentencing, I am predicting that the NCAA does not rush to judgment like they did with Penn State.
Sometimes evil people are just unfortunately able to get away with horrible acts. It sure seems like Nassar had the perfect set up to do exactly that in this case. Thankfully, he no longer does.
John Ziegler hosts a weekly podcast focusing on news media issues and is documentary filmmaker. He has long written about what he believes were the flaws in the case against Jerry Sandusky. You can follow him on Twitter at @ZigManFreud or email him at
Tags: nassar

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Sandusky raped boys. He will never get out. He luvs big bubba in prison , likes peanut butter and jelly night

Active member
Jun 18, 2007

Feb 2, 2010
I didn't know what all this was about, then read about it this morning.....this guy was a sick POS. Hope he gets tortured in the slammer.

Jul 28, 2017
Always get a kick how the judge has to throw her extra opinion in there like it matters when truth be told, she is just as crooked as he is and her ego is way more unchecked than his ever was.

He felt he could do it because " he was a Dr". and I deal with Doctors everyday, their egos are over the top.

She feels like she can do anything " because she is a judge"

I havent followed the case to closely but it brings to mind a ton of questions especially since print media can't tell you exactly what happened... they have to be all "pc" and call everything "sexual assault. Some clippings I read say that girls were " sexually assaulted" in front of their parents?? What? I don't know if that means sex, molestation, fingering? Who the hell knows. Everything is classified as "sexual assault"

New member
Oct 11, 2004
Always get a kick how the judge has to throw her extra opinion in there like it matters when truth be told, she is just as crooked as he is and her ego is way more unchecked than his ever was.

He felt he could do it because " he was a Dr". and I deal with Doctors everyday, their egos are over the top.

She feels like she can do anything " because she is a judge"

I havent followed the case to closely but it brings to mind a ton of questions especially since print media can't tell you exactly what happened... they have to be all "pc" and call everything "sexual assault. Some clippings I read say that girls were " sexually assaulted" in front of their parents?? What? I don't know if that means sex, molestation, fingering? Who the hell knows. Everything is classified as "sexual assault"

Well, my sister was a gymnist that did go to this guy and while she says he never did anything to her she has friends that he did do things to, which included fingering vaginas and anus with no gloves on. Some girls say they saw that he had an erection while he was doing it. He would do this not only in doctors offices but in hotel rooms and shit. He would do it even if a girl was there for shit that was completely unrelated like knee or ankle problems. His claim was there is some back pain relief procedure that required he stick his hands inside them. Even if that was the case why no gloves and why in hotel rooms and shit? This guy can be eaten by rabid dogs for all I care.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
think he got 60 years with the feds.. that spells Penitentiary .. probably has no idea what's waiting for him .. He will be introduced to a different kind of abuse

L5Y, USC is 4-0 vs SEC, outscoring them 167-48!!!
Sep 20, 2004
The saddest and if not scariest is that this went on for over 20yrs. This guy was a lauded and respected name in the gymnastics world.

He molested hundreds of kids! For god sakes 7 years old???

One if the accounts was telling a girl who had a hip injury thay he needed to examine her vagina??

Can't wait to hear of his demise within 5 yrs.

Sep 21, 2012
175 years? just kill the guy. c'mon with this shit. there is nothing he can do which can ever matter moving forward, just someone kill him and save the tax dollars.

New member
Nov 29, 2006
I'm not taking up for Nasser in any way so please no one get their panties in a wad.

Where the hell were these young girls parents? Did the parents never talk to their
daughters? Believe me, if I had a daughter farmed out in this situation I would have
known about this sleaze bag.

Again I ask...................?

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
I'm not taking up for Nasser in any way so please no one get their panties in a wad.

Where the hell were these young girls parents? Did the parents never talk to their
daughters? Believe me, if I had a daughter farmed out in this situation I would have
known about this sleaze bag.

Again I ask...................?

Wanting their daughters to make the Olympic team

Oct 29, 2005
I'm not taking up for Nasser in any way so please no one get their panties in a wad.

Where the hell were these young girls parents? Did the parents never talk to their
daughters? Believe me, if I had a daughter farmed out in this situation I would have
known about this sleaze bag.

Again I ask...................?

On the same page here...

I've read that the parents were either in the next room or had to know about this...

FVCKIN' either WAY...

the price for fame....geeezzzz............

May 27, 2007
I'm not taking up for Nasser in any way so please no one get their panties in a wad.

Where the hell were these young girls parents? Did the parents never talk to their
daughters? Believe me, if I had a daughter farmed out in this situation I would have
known about this sleaze bag.

Again I ask...................?

Dude, you're being very naive if you think kids all tell their parents everything in life. If they didn't say shit and all appeared normal, you wouldn't have known jack shit.

May 27, 2007
Wanting their daughters to make the Olympic team

Come on Stevie, you aren't suggesting parents let their daughters get sexually assaulted by the team doc in order for her to make the Olympic team are you? That's very far fetched.

New member
Nov 29, 2006
Dude, you're being very naive if you think kids all tell their parents everything in life. If they didn't say shit and all appeared normal, you wouldn't have known jack shit.

DUDE and I mean DUDE. If you don't have a relationship with your 13 year old daughter...then maybe DUDE you need to take a look
at yourself...DUDE! Sounds like a DUDE who doesn't have a close relationship with his family nor spends time to have that relationship.
Guess being a DUDE allows you a pitiful excuse for being a parent.

May 27, 2007
DUDE and I mean DUDE. If you don't have a relationship with your 13 year old daughter...then maybe DUDE you need to take a look at yourself...DUDE! Sounds like a DUDE who doesn't have a close relationship with his family nor spends time to have that relationship.
Guess being a DUDE allows you a pitiful excuse for being a parent.

Wow, that escalated quickly. Nice guy. After saying that to me, nothing more needs to be said. I now consider you the biggest cocksucker at the RX.

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